Friday 1 January 2010

There's Always Room For Improvement

Okay, i change my mind. I am going to make a new years resolution, a wish, a hope that many others have decided to partake. I want to learn, i want to be taught how to breath life into my writing, make the reader so involved with every letter that pores out of my head, my heart, my soul. Words that leave the reader anticipating the next line, paragraph, chapter. I want to give my writing depth, depth like i've never seen before. Not the dark depth, where the absence of light in writing makes people fear the words typed on a page, depth that is full of radiant light, depth that warms people's hearts, makes them want to leave there mark, there footpaths in the sand of literature.

It's okay for me, i hope, i'm young, i still have much more to learn about writing, how to structure my writing, how to captivate audiences, and i suppose it is greedy for me to wish that such a gift could be received sooner rather than later.

Patience, i hope, will pay off. Writing has always, and will always be escape for me. Writing, reading, music and art. Escape. Escape from reality. Escape from the repetitive daily cycle. Freedom. Freedom to be myself. Freedom to let my dreams flow, whether it's from ink, leaving it's plastic case keeping it captive, where it is desperate to be transformed into something meaningful, words that will warm hearts, where it meets paper, calling out for imagination, calling out for it to, to be transformed into something that will long be treasured even after the ink, the scribe has left. Whether it's from a pencil, holding so many opportunities just waiting to be released, to become, to be welcomed, accepted. Or whether it's from music, flowing from an instrument with so much potential.

My indecisiveness sometimes lets me down, that, and an overactive imagination that has so many ideas held waiting for there chance to transform into something beautiful. And i worry, will i make the right decisions, will i show the world all the things that right now only seem possible in my imagination. Time doesn't stay on our side forever. Nothing is guaranteed.

But the will to learn, yes, that must be a good thing. From learning we become something. Someone, instead of nobody, someone who is ignored, someone who fits in the crowd, goes with the flow. No, that's not me, i want to stand out and by learning to capture hearts, i hope to achieve.
'Far away, in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but i can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.' - Louisa May Alcott.

Thursday 31 December 2009

Alter The Ending

Well, it's two thousand and ten midnight tonight. Another year's gone by. It really is true what they say, as you get older, time seems to speed up. Almost like at birth your put on a treadmill, and as you get older gradually the speed of which the treadmill goes increases until last year really does seem like yesterday. That, i must admit is a scary thought, i for one don't want to sit around and watch time slip through my fingers, not like i have this year. Looking back on the year i have come to realise i have missed so many chances, opportunities that can never be re-lived. No-one can change time, but time can change us. Then again, no-one ever said life had to be fair, fair is just a word we have made up to cover up for jealousy - to some extent anyway.

People always say that next year will be different, next year they will change there ways and become a better person. But why wait for new year to come? Why waste all the time between you making that decision and December 30th, being someone who you want to change. We can't get time that has gone by back, no matter how much we want to, which is why i've decided that instead of ending my two thousand and nine on a bad note with a few people, i'm going to alter the ending of my year, on a bright, better note, and then have a brilliant two thousand and ten from the beginning, instead of having to try and mend broken bonds over disagreements that occured in the past year.
Two thousand and ten is going to be a good year. Which leads me onto new years resolutions. Everyone makes them, hardly anyone tends to keep them. This year i'm not sure that i'm going to make any resolutions, if change needs to happen, i'll cross that bridge when i come to it, instead of anticipating something that may never be necessary. Over this year i've noticed that i have become a much more optimistic person - note the creation of this blog. Happiness is something i want everyone to feel, because it's such an amazing feeling.
So you could say i'm ready for two thousand and ten, refreshed, prepared for whatever the year will throw at me, i know how i want it to turn out, and this time next year we'll see, did i get where i wanted to?
'Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that's why it's called the present' - Kung Fu Panda

Wednesday 30 December 2009

Here Goes Nothing

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This will regrettably, only be a very short 'welcome' blog, but as i have been banished to the depths of art coursework, i think, well i hope, it's understandable.
I'd like to commit and say that i will post daily, as fully as possible, but that commitment, for me, wouldn't be possible. What i do promise though, is that i will post something as often as possible.
I am not a religious kind of person, but i do have my beliefs on life and living.
This is my blog, just as much as it yours, which is why i'm going to make what a write as open as possible, so hopefully most people who stumble across my posts find they can relate, and hopefully, laugh along with the brightside of life.
I am not a brilliant writer, i'll admit it now, sometimes i may miss out punctuation, make grammatical errors, but i'm only young, and human, everyone makes mistakes.
Hopefully, i will be able to spread love, hope and happiness through what i do write, to everyone, a little reminder, that even on a bad day, there is something good, if not amazing, left in the world. There is a good side to everything bad, you just have to believe in yourself to find and embrace it.
Much love
'even if happiness forgets you a little bit, never completely forget about it' - Jacques Prevert