People always say that next year will be different, next year they will change there ways and become a better person. But why wait for new year to come? Why waste all the time between you making that decision and December 30th, being someone who you want to change. We can't get time that has gone by back, no matter how much we want to, which is why i've decided that instead of ending my two thousand and nine on a bad note with a few people, i'm going to alter the ending of my year, on a bright, better note, and then have a brilliant two thousand and ten from the beginning, instead of having to try and mend broken bonds over disagreements that occured in the past year.
Two thousand and ten is going to be a good year. Which leads me onto new years resolutions. Everyone makes them, hardly anyone tends to keep them. This year i'm not sure that i'm going to make any resolutions, if change needs to happen, i'll cross that bridge when i come to it, instead of anticipating something that may never be necessary. Over this year i've noticed that i have become a much more optimistic person - note the creation of this blog. Happiness is something i want everyone to feel, because it's such an amazing feeling.
So you could say i'm ready for two thousand and ten, refreshed, prepared for whatever the year will throw at me, i know how i want it to turn out, and this time next year we'll see, did i get where i wanted to?
'Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that's why it's called the present' - Kung Fu Panda